Monday, June 16, 2008

Missing Pieces

Today Emma, who is two years old, got her hands on the bag of the Rummi-cube pieces. If you are not familiar with Rummi-Cube, it is a game that is played with tiles that have numbers on them. There are 8 sets of tiles numbered 1-13 (2 sets of 4 colors).

Emma, being her two-year-old self, dumped them all over the floor. She was having a grand ol' time digging in them, throwing them to the four winds, kicking them to watch them slide across the floor, when I found her and decided it was time to clean up.

It took a solid hour of her running back and forth on her short, chubby legs to deposit them, a few at a time in my waiting lap. With each trip, I would praise her efforts, and she would run back for more. Sometimes she would linger...fingering the pieces that she had already left with me, before running back for the next load. Did she get them all? Honestly...we probably won't know until we play the game.

I was thinking that I am much like Emma. I take the gifts that God has given me. Sometimes, instead of using them for their purpose, I scatter them, misuse, and abuse them. They can not be used for their intended purpose while I am playing my games, no one else is getting the benefit, and I am making a mess in the process.

When I do bring them to The Father...sometimes it is only a little at a time. Even after leaving them ... I still continue to want to finger them, and try to take them back. He could help me clean the mess, but He chooses to praise me for my efforts all along the way. Only eternity will reveal if there were wasted opportunities...just like Emma's missing pieces.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Do The Next Thing

A poem quoted by Elisabeth Elliot

Do The Next Thing
"At an old English parsonage down by the sea,
there came in the twilight a message to me.
Its quaint Saxon legend deeply engraven
that, as it seems to me, teaching from heaven.

And all through the hours the quiet words ring,
like a low inspiration, 'Do the next thing.'
Many a questioning, many a fear,
many a doubt hath its quieting here.

Moment by moment, let down from heaven,
time, opportunity, guidance are given.
Fear not tomorrow, child of the King,
trust that with Jesus, do the next thing.

Do it immediately, do it with prayer,
do it reliantly, casting all care.
Do it with reverence, tracing His hand,
who placed it before thee with earnest command.

Stayed on omnipotence, safe 'neath His wing,
leave all resultings, do the next thing.
Looking to Jesus, ever serener,
working or suffering be thy demeanor,
in His dear presence, the rest of His calm,
the light of His countenance, be thy psalm.
Do the next thing."

I love this poem. There are times when we all feel pressured and unsure of the next step to take. I love that I can rely on God to guide me and show me the next thing He would have me do.

In all they ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path.