Wednesday, May 21, 2008

You are doing a good job....

Almost seven years ago, my youngest daughter gave birth to my first grandchild. She had to have a c-section and she was really having a hard time, so I stayed the five days and nights in the hospital with her.

I don’t know if you have ever stayed in the hospital when you are not a patient…but suffice it to say, it is very uncomfortable.

I seem to remember that it was the evening of the fourth day, and I had fallen asleep in sheer exhaustion. Several hours later, I woke up and in my sleep craved state—looked up to see my daughter standing by the bassinet, in the dim light of the room, caring for her newborn daughter. Being the encouraging soul I am, I gave her a quick thumbs up sign, and called out to her, “You’re doing a good job Mandy!”, turned over and went back to sleep.

The next morning, she asked me if I remembered the incident. “Sure” I quickly replied (even though the memory was alittle fuzzy). Well, she said, I think you should know that at the time you roused yourself to give me the “thumbs up”, I was leaking from every orifice in my body, the baby had pooped on me, and I was throwing up.

Years have past, and this has become our way of giving encouragement. When hard times have come (and they always do) and it seems like she can’t put another foot in front of the other…I will look at her and grin…give her a thumbs up and exclaim “You’re doing a good job Mandy!” She knows then that I understand that she is up to her elbows in do-do, and even if I can’t help her….I am there for her.

I have told you this story, because I want you to know that “You’re doing a good job!”

I see the single parents, the couples who never get to see each other, the widows, the ones longing for children, and the ones who are struggling with burdens that honestly would crush me.

I see those who struggle daily with emotional and physical pain, meeting each day with courage and dignity.

I see men and women who carry on day after day, with little or no sleep, and still are still the first one to lend a helping hand.

I see those who have been up all night with a sick child or family member, and those who want to be there, but can’t because they work or live far away.

I see you all…up to your elbows in do-do
And I just want to take a moment to say….

You’re doing a good job!!


Anonymous said...

Been there done that and still am doing it but it's a mom job!! Can I add my thumbs up with you!!

Unknown said...

Thank you very much for now I feel really blessed....blessed for my family and for finding such inspiration on your blog....God bless you and your family!
Pam thumbs up "Best Nannie"!!